Nita Prose
We have something in common—books. I believe you love them as much as I do. I love books the way Lennie in Of Mice and Men loved his pet mouse. For this reason, I don’t advise you ever to lend me your prized first folio edition of Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories & Tragedies as I may return it dog-eared and enhanced with a shabby chic patina of Scotch tape.
As for my professional life, I work in the publishing industry. I began years ago as an intern, photocopying edited manuscripts and secretly snooping the fascinating margin conversations between editors and writers. Currently, I’m vice president and editorial director at Simon & Schuster in Toronto, Canada, where I have the privilege of working with an incredible array of authors and publishing colleagues whom I credit with teaching me, manuscript by manuscript, book by book, the wondrous craft of writing.
(From Author's Website)